Contracts and Cooperation Agreements
Our Corporate and Commercial Lawyers in Tel Aviv, Israel negotiate commercial contracts and co-operation agreement from the early stages to closing.
Economic and Legal Advising:
At Heskia–Hacmun Law Firm, we have the required experience concerning various legal types of agreements as well as the practical business insights to advise our clients on the various commercial legal and business aspects from both a legal and economical perspective.
Litigation Experience:
We believe that in order to provide our clients with comprehensive, down to earth, commercial legal advice, it is important that our lawyers have a litigation perspective. After all, this is where the contracts and agreements are put to the test and challenged. We therefore ensure that every lawyer at the commercial practice will also handle a number of litigation cases to keep in touch with this aspect of practice at all times.
Contact Us:
Need more information? Contact us here and we will be happy to be at your service.